Area: 147,181 sq km
Latitude: 26° and 31°N
Longitude: 80° and 89°E
Highest Point: MT. Everest (8848 m) from sea level
Lowest point: Kechana Kawal: 45 m from sea level
Status: Landlocked
Borders: China to the north and India to the South, west, and east side.
Nepal is commonly divided into three areas Himal, Pahad, and Terai.
Himal is the mountain region from the altitude of 4, 000 meters and above situated in the Great Himalayan Range. Eight of the world’s ten highest peak lies in this region. It takes about 19 % of the total area of Nepal.
Pahad is the hilly areas from the elevation of 800 to 4000 meters above sea level. The Lower Himalayan range (1,500- 3,000 m) makes most of the hilly region, which constitutes 64% of the total area of Nepal.
Terai is the plain region of Nepal with Churia range (700- 1000 m) and below including the inner terai regions. The plain is fed with major Himalayan Rivers (Koshi, Karnali, and Narayani) alongside many other rivers. Terai is the most fertile region of Nepal and makes about 17% of the total landmass.